
Our Research

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The Stigma Turbine: A Theoretical Framework for Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Marketplace Stigma

Ann M. Mirabito
Cele C. Otnes
Elizabeth Crosby
David B. Wooten
Jane E. Machin
Chris Pullig
Natalie Ross Adkins
Susan Dunnett
Kathy Hamilton
Kevin D. Thomas
Marie A. Yeh
Cassandra Davis
Johanna F. Gollnhofer
Aditi Grover
Jess Matias
Natalie A. Mitchell
Edna G. Ndichu
Nada Sayarh
Sunaina Velagaleti

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On the road to addiction: The facilitative and preventive roles of marketing cues

Ingrid M. Martin
Michael A. Kamins
Dante M. Pirouz
Scott W. Davis
Kelly L. Haws
Ann M. Mirabito
Sayantani Mukherjee
Justine M. Rapp
Aditi Grover

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Marketing as a Means to Transformative Social Conflict Resolution: Lessons from Transitioning War Economies and the Colombian Coffee Marketing System

Andrés Barrios
Kristine de Valck
Clifford J. Shultz II
Olivier Sibai
Katharina C. Husemann
Matthew Maxwell-Smith
Marius K. Luedicke

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If you have a publication that you would like to feature on this page, please fill out this form.

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Climate Change - Consumer Understanding, Response, and Interventions


SI Editors: Karen Page Winterich, Rebecca Walker Reczek, Bryan Bollinger

Submission window: February 1- April 1, 2022

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Call for Papers

MASSIG - Marketing & Society Special Interest Group of AMA

Invitation to join the MASSIG community!

MASSIG members are marketing academics interested in public policy, macromarketing, social marketing, marketing ethics, transformative consumer research, diversity, sustainability, and/or subsistence markets. You are invited to help shape this community and to discuss how marketing and consumption impact our world and wellbeing.

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Call for Papers

Intersecting the Body


SI Editors: Zeynep Arsel, Søren Askegaard, Maria Carolina Zanette, Gaël Bonnin

Submission Deadline: 31 March 2022

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TCR’s research has received significant grants to help extend its contributions to academic knowledge and impact in society at large. We also disseminate information about pending grants to help scholars and practitioners find funding for transformative-related work. Find out more

Available Grant

Russell Sage Pipeline Grant Competition for early-mid career scholars


The Russell Sage Foundation, in collaboration with the Economic Mobility and Opportunity program at the Bill & Melinda gates Foundation, invite early- to mid-career researchers to apply to the pipeline grant competition.

The competition seeks to promote diversity in the social sciences broadly, including racial, ethnic, gender, disciplinary, institutional and geographic diversity. 

Amount of award: Tenure track assistant professors can apply for grants of up to $30,000. RSF will pair assistant professors with mentors working in the same field, and provide an honorarium for the mentors. Associate professors who have been in the rank for less than seven years are eligible for grants of up to $50,000.

Deadline: 2022 deadline forthcoming

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TCR Grant Receipients

A Cross-Cultural Analysis of #FOMO Appeals Promoting Sustainable Consumptions

Jayati Sinha, Florida International University
Fang-Chi Lu, The University of Melbourne

Award Amount: $2,000

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Do you have something to add?

TCR seeks to encourage its members to share both within and outside of academia their research and pedagogical approaches that can help transform our world. As TCR continues to grow, we invite you to share your TCR work:



Let us know if you have a past or recent publication that you would like us to add to the repository by filling out this form. If your publication has won an award, email us at so we can recognize and celebrate this achievement.



If you have a past or recent engagement with public policy makers or practitioners based on TCR-related work that you would like us to add to the repository, let us know by filling out this form



Have you received a grant or know of a call for grant that relates to TCR work? Tell us so we can feature this on our website and let others know the impact of TCR work and of upcoming funding opportunities. Email us at


Teaching Resources, or a Call for Papers

Sharing pedagogical approaches and upcoming opportunities for special issues are just some of the ways this TCR  website can continue to matter. If you know of a call for papers or have teaching resources such as videos, syllabuses, projects, etc., that relate to TCR perspectives, please do share these resources with others by emailing details to


Engage with Us

TCR creates opportunities for engagements between practitioners, funders and researchers, and supports efforts of scholars and practitioners to disseminate and publicize their research and work, and obtain mentoring and advice on grant applications.

While many of these opportunities are freely available, we encourage scholars and practitioners to become a member of the Association of Consumer Research to help continue funding our work and to obtain additional benefits.