TCR Subcommittees

To help achieve TCR's goals, TCR has three subcommittees. If you want to connect to these committees, share information with them, or have questions about the role that they play, please contact the subcommittee's co-chairs.


TCR Executive Leadership and Social Impact Council

The TCR Executive Leadership and Social Impact Council works to:

  • Connect academic TCR researchers with social impact organizations, which include nonprofits, public policy entities, and for-profit companies with a social impact mission.
  • Move TCR research from insight to action to social impact.
  • Develop pathways for academic researchers to  partner with social impact organizations (co-authorship, data sharing, idea generation, etc.).
  • Establish communication paths to distribute TCR research funding to relevant social impact organizations.
Subcommittee chairs:

Laura Peracchio (

Maura Scott (

Beth Vallen (

The inaugural members of the Council are:

Caitlin Butler, Chief Strategy Officer, Mural Arts Philadelphia

Staci Croom-Raley, Executive Director, HIPPY USA

Jonathan Hanson, Director of Development, Hunger Task Force

Marjorie Sims, Managing Director, Ascend, Aspen Institute

Diana Wells, President, Ashoka

For outputs, such as webinars, produced through these engagements, click here



TCR External Funding 

High impact research often requires substantial funding. The External Funding Council provides tools to help TCR community members secure external funding. Our priorities are to:

  • Build members’ capacity to find grant opportunities and craft effective proposals.
  • Raise awareness about TCR among and develop a network with key funders.
  • Subcommittee chairs:

    Eva Kipnis (

    Ann Mirabito (

    Subcommittee members:

    Melissa Bublitz

    Cristina Galalae

    Raechel Johns

    Mark Kay

    Tana Licsandru

    Jill Mosteller

    Beatriz Pereira 


    TCR Digital Outreach

    To ensure TCR research is disseminated to a wide variety of audiences, we work to develop web platforms, curate accessible web-based content, and leverage social media outlets to promote transformative consumer research to academics, the press, practitioners and community organizations.

    Subcommittee chairs:

    Laurel Steinfield (

    Roland Gau (

    Subcommittee members:

    Daniela Alcoforado

    Shauna Kearney

    Jane Machin

    Naz Onel


    Engage with Us

    TCR creates opportunities for engagements between practitioners, funders and researchers, and supports efforts of scholars and practitioners to disseminate and publicize their research and work, and obtain mentoring and advice on grant applications.

    While many of these opportunities are freely available, we encourage scholars and practitioners to become a member of the Association of Consumer Research to help continue funding our work and to obtain additional benefits.