Harassment Policy

As a sub-group of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) the TCR Community abides by the code of conduct expected of all ACR members and attendees at our conferences. A full description of our harassment policy can be found in ACR's Safety and Inclusiveness Policy.


This also extends into our digital lives.


TCR Statement on Cyber-Bullying and/or Cyber Harassment:


Cyber-bullying or cyber harassment by any member of TCR towards another individual, or from outside entities towards members of TCR, including zoom-bombing, harsh texts or emails, spreading rumors by email or social media, posting false pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles, runs counter to the mission of this organization. TCR takes cyber-bullying and cyber harassment seriously and would consider such acts by TCR members as grounds for expulsion from the community. If these acts are perpetuated against a TCR member by an outside entity, TCR will offer support to its members and stand in solidarity with those who are the target of cyber-bullying or cyber harassment. 

Engage with Us

TCR creates opportunities for engagements between practitioners, funders and researchers, and supports efforts of scholars and practitioners to disseminate and publicize their research and work, and obtain mentoring and advice on grant applications.

While many of these opportunities are freely available, we encourage scholars and practitioners to become a member of the Association of Consumer Research to help continue funding our work and to obtain additional benefits.