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Get in Touch

Please send your questions or suggestions about the TCR movement to  Brennan Davis,  Chairperson, ACR Advisory Board on TCR at .


Please send your questions or suggestions on the information on and development of the TCR website to:

Laurel Steinfield or Roland Gau at


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Join & Post to the TCR Listserv

Post messages by emailing them to


To subscribe to TCR's listserv, follow these steps:

1. Email

2. Put in the message of your email "Subscribe TCR-L Your Name" (replace 'Your Name' with your full name)

3. Leave the subject line blank.

Once you are a member of the listserv, you can access the archive of past messages. To do so:

1. Click HERE.

2. If it is your first time accessing the listserv archive, you will need to register a password.


To unsubscribe to TCR's listserv, follow these steps:

1. Email

2. Put in the message of your email "Unsubscribe TCR-L"

3. Leave the subject line blank.


If you experience any problems, please email Peter Kirlew directly at:

Ask for Help with Publicizing Your Transformative Consumer Research

The TCR Advisory Group and ACR encourages all its members to actively disseminate their research through the public media.   This not only enables greater emphasis of a scholar’s work to a wider market but also enables greater discussion in the public regarding the important work that TCR scholars are carrying out. 


We have found the most effective means of doing this is to work with both the scholar’s own PR team (if available at one’s institution) and the TCR Digital Outreach Team.  Feel free to contact for further information about how we can help you leverage social and public media to support your research dissemination.

Engage with Us

TCR creates opportunities for engagements between practitioners, funders and researchers, and supports efforts of scholars and practitioners to disseminate and publicize their research and work, and obtain mentoring and advice on grant applications.

While many of these opportunities are freely available, we encourage scholars and practitioners to become a member of the Association of Consumer Research to help continue funding our work and to obtain additional benefits.