Foundational Readings in TCR

This page outlines some core readings for scholars looking to explore more into the world of Transformative Consumer Research.


These papers give an overview of the field and its history. 

  • Mick, D. G. (2006). Presidential Address: Meaning and Mattering Through Transformative Consumer Research. Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 1–4. TCR as an academic movement was coined at this Presidential Address.
  • Mick, D. G., Pettigrew, S., Pechmann, C. (Connie), & Ozanne, J. L. (Eds.). (2012). Transformative Consumer Research for Personal and Collective Well-Being. Routledge. This is the first edited book on Transformative Consumer Research. 
  • Mick, D. G., Pettigrew, S., Pechmann, C. (Connie), & Ozanne, J. L. (2012). Origins, Qualities, and Envisionments of Transformative Consumer Research. In Transformative Consumer Research for Personal and Collective Well-being (pp. 31–52). Routledge. This introductory chapter provides a historical overview and the original guiding principals of TCR.
  • Ozanne, J. L., Mick, D. G., Pechmann, C. (Connie), & Pettigrew, S. (2015). Transformative Consumer Research. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Management (pp. 1–4). American Cancer Society.
  • Davis, B., Ozanne, J. L., & Hill, R. P. (2016). "The Transformative Consumer Research Movement," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 35 (2): 159.169. This article provides an overview of the early history of the TCR Movement.
  • Ozanne, J. L., Davis, B., Murray, J., Grier, S., Benmecheddal, A., Downey, H., Ekpo, A. E., Hietanen, G. M., Gall-Ely, M. L., & Seregina, A. (2017). "Assessing the Societal Impact of Research: The Relational Engagement Approach," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 36 (1): 1-14. This article sets the foundation for relational engagement - a core conduit in which TCR work can make a social impact.
  • Davis, B., & Pechmann, C. (2020). "The Characteristics of Transformative Consumer Research and How it Can Contribute to and Enhance Consumer Psychology," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30 (2): 365-367. This article demonstrates the relevance and importance of TCR to the consumer psychology field.

Following the TCR conferences, a number of Special Issues have been published:

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