Upcoming Dialogical Conferences

The 2023 Transformative Consumer Research Dialogical Conference  


This conference was from June 18-20, 2023, hosted by Royal Holloway, University of London.  



Martina Hutton, Royal Holloway University of London UK

Aronté Marie Bennett, Villanova University, USA

Eva Kipnis, University of Bradford, UK


Click here for more information.


Proceedings Coming Soon.


If you want to revisit Track 1 topics, you can do so by clicking here.



Explaining the Range of Tracks

TCR's dialogical conferences entail structured, deep and engaged conversations in which participants commit to working on a social theme throughout the entire time of the conference.  The conferences has three different types of tracks, which are guided by three visions:

  1. To build capacity
  2. Leverage theory-guided research
  3. Implement solutions

Track 1: Building Capacity

Track 1 is a space of innovation and an experiment in building a social network of researchers with greater capacity to tackle pressing social problems around consumption. We believe there is not one magic formula for research that has societal impact; therefore, these tracks are spaces of opportunity to experiment (e.g., by inviting non-academic guests; working across the intersection of social problems; bringing in academics from across disciplinary divides to introduce new tools, theories, and perspectives; including a stakeholder in the process of doing research). There are numerous pathways for real societal benefit and we encourage tracks to explore many ideas and then share the successful ones.




Track 2: Leveraging Theory-guided Research

Unlike the format of Track 1, Track 2 involves longer-term projects and involves teams of researchers who have already made a commitment to work on this longer project. More specifically, these tracks further empirical work they started before the conference in key substantive areas. Because these teams of researchers typically have gathered data before the conference, TCR 2023 provides an opportunity for a writing or data analysis workshop.





Track 3: Implementing Solutions

Track 3 aims to take the idea of relational engagement to the next level. Whereas Track 2 was introduced to bring data collection into the conference process, Track 3 is designed to focus on measurable societal impact. These tracks have a strong relational engagement element, typically emerging from long-term collaborations that existed prior to the conference.




Engage with Us

TCR creates opportunities for engagements between practitioners, funders and researchers, and supports efforts of scholars and practitioners to disseminate and publicize their research and work, and obtain mentoring and advice on grant applications.

While many of these opportunities are freely available, we encourage scholars and practitioners to become a member of the Association of Consumer Research to help continue funding our work and to obtain additional benefits.