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Transformative Consumer Research is a movement within the Association for Consumer Research community that seeks to encourage, support, and publicize research that benefits consumer welfare and quality of life for all beings affected by consumption across the world. 


We have a number of subcommittees that help us to disseminate and connect our research to practitioners, fosters partnerships between academia, industry partner and policy makers, and create bridges between funding opportunities, funders and TCR researchers. 


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 If you have an upcoming event or call you'd like us to distribute, contact us at

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Research Impact

Engagements with industry partners and public policy makers, award winning articles and grant recipient projects are just some of the ways we make an impact in academia and society at large

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TCR’s conferences offers researchers and practitioners an opportunity to engage in dialogue -- sharing knowledge, data, and perspectives. Together we can advance research, knowledge, practices, and actions that can improve consumer well-being.

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Our Research

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Depression and consumption habits: a cross-cultural study

Daniela Gomes Alcoforado
Francisco Vicente Sales Melo
Alcoforado Gomes Alcoforado

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Social media and mindfulness: From the fear of missing out (FOMO) to the joy of missing out (JOMO)

Steven S. Chan
Michelle Van Solt
Ryan E. Cruz
Matthew Philp
Shalini Bahl
Nuket Serin
Nelson Borges Amaral
Robert Schindler
Abbey Bartosiak
Smriti Kumar
Murad Canbulut

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The Transformative Consumer Research Movement

Brennan Davis
Julie L. Ozanne
Ronald Paul Hill

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Hunger and Food Well-Being: Advancing Research and Practice

Melissa G. Bublitz
Jonathan Hansen
Laura A. Peracchio
Sherrie Tussler

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Improving Financial Inclusion through Communal Financial Orientation: How Financial Service Providers Can Better Engage Consumers in Banking Deserts

Martin Mende
Linda Court Salisbury
Gergana Y. Nenkov
Maura L. Scott

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Authenticating brand activism: Negotiating the boundaries of free speech to make a change

Olivier Sibai
Laetitia Mimoun
Achilleas Boukis

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Engage with Us

TCR creates opportunities for engagements between practitioners, funders and researchers, and supports efforts of scholars and practitioners to disseminate and publicize their research and work, and obtain mentoring and advice on grant applications.

While many of these opportunities are freely available, we encourage scholars and practitioners to become a member of the Association of Consumer Research to help continue funding our work and to obtain additional benefits.