The Squander Sequence: Understanding Food Waste at Each Stage of the Consumer Decision-Making Process

Food waste presents a complex global problem that involves multiple actors and institutions within the aggregate food marketing system. Food waste occurs across food production and distribution, as well as at the hands of the consumer. In this research, the authors focus onwaste that occurs acrosswhat is termed the "squander sequence," which describes waste that occurs from consumer behaviors at the preacquisition, acquisition, consumption, and disposition stages. The authors set forth a behavioral theory-based agenda to explain food waste in the squander sequence with the ultimate goals of encouraging future research to uncover the psychological underpinnings of consumer-level food waste and of deriving transformative consumer solutions to this substantive issue.


squander sequence  award winning  sustainability  consumer behavior  food consumption  food industrial waste  food marketing  social marketing  food waste 


Lauren G. Block, Elizabeth S. Moore, Rebecca Walker Reczek, Beth Vallen, Emily M. Moscato, Cait Lamberton, Sara Williamson, Monica C. LaBarge, Kelly L. Haws, Amir Grinstein, Mia M. Birau, Andrea Heintz Tangari, and Punam A. Keller (2016). The Squander Sequence: Understanding Food Waste at Each Stage of the Consumer Decision-Making Process. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 35(2), Pages 292-304.



Lauren G. Block
Elizabeth S. Moore
Rebecca Walker Reczek
Beth Vallen
Emily M. Moscato
Cait Lamberton
Sara Williamson
Monica C. LaBarge
Kelly L. Haws
Amir Grinstein
Mia M. Birau
Andrea Heintz Tangari
Punam A. Keller

Journal of Public Policy & Marketing | 2016

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