Feminist academic organizations: Challenging sexism through collective mobilizing across research, support, and advocacy

This paper examines the establishment of a feminist academic organization, GENMAC (Gender, Markets, and Consumers; genmac.co), serving gender scholars in business schools and related fields. In so doing, it builds on the emerging literature of feminist academic organizations, as situated within feminist organizational studies (FOS). Through a feminist case study and by assessing the reflections of GENMAC's board members, we tell the story of the emergence of GENMAC and detail the tensions the organization encountered as it formally established itself as a feminist organization within the confines of a business school setting, a patriarchal system, and a neoliberal university paradigm. We build on the FOS literature by considering how our organization counters cultures of heightened individualism and builds collective action to challenge sexism through the nexus of research, support, and advocacy pillars of our organization. We demonstrate how, through these actions, our organization challenges hierarchies of knowledge, prioritizes the care and support needed for the day-to-day survival of gender scholars in business schools, and spotlights and challenges structural inequalities and injustices in the academy.


feminist academic organizations  business schools  feminist case study  feminist organizational studies  sexism 


Lauren Gurrieri, Andrea Prothero, Shona Bettany, Susan Dobscha, Jenna Drenten, Shelagh Ferguson, Stacey Finkelstein, Laura McVey, Nacima Ourahmoune, Laurel Steinfield, and Linda Tuncay Zayer (2023). Feminist academic organizations: Challenging sexism through collective mobilizing across research, support, and advocacy. Gender, Work & Organization, a head of print. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gwao.12912



Lauren Gurrieri
Andrea Prothero
Shona Bettany
Susan Dobscha
Jenna Drenten
Shelagh Ferguson
Stacey Finkelstein
Laura McVey
Nacima Ourahmoune
Laurel Steinfield
Linda Tuncay Zayer

Gender, Work & Organization | 2023


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