Rise Up: Understanding Youth Social Entrepreneurs and Their Ecosystems

This research focuses on youth social entrepreneurs who are leading ventures that address pressing societal problems including climate change, gun reform, and social justice. It answers Journal of Public Policy & Marketing’s call for more research in marketing on social entrepreneurship. Consistent with the mission of Transformative Consumer Research to enhance individual and societal well-being, this research explores how the dynamic ecosystem of youth social entrepreneurs empowers them to rise up to transform people, communities, and the future for the better. The authors partnered with 20 established youth social entrepreneurs who have founded social impact initiatives as well as two organizations that support youth social entrepreneurs, Ashoka and Future Coalition, to develop a framework for understanding the ecosystem that encourages youth social entrepreneurs to enhance people’s well-being and make the world a better place. This framework integrates the experiences of these youth social entrepreneur partners and extant literature in marketing and related disciplines to provide guidance that can help researchers, policy makers, educators, and parents design an environment to support the success of youth social entrepreneurs.


mindset, social entrepreneurship, social impact, Transformative Consumer Research, youth social entrepreneur 


Melissa G. Bublitz, Lan Nguyen Chaplin, Laura A. Peracchio, and Ashley Deutsch Cermin (2021). Rise Up: Understanding Youth Social Entrepreneurs and Their Ecosystems. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40(2), Pages 206-225. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0743915620937702



Melissa G. Bublitz
Lan Nguyen Chaplin
Laura A. Peracchio
Ashley Deutsch Cermin

Journal of Public Policy & Marketing | 2021


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